Get COVID19 PCR Testing in Glasgow for just £80
Whether you are planning on getting some tropical sunshine or are hoping to visit family in your home country, you may need to have a COVID19 PCR Test before you travel! That is why we at Reach Pharmacy are now providing 24hr Rapid Result COVID19 PCR Testing in Glasgow! With 1000’s of happy customers we are one of Glasgow’s premier testing clinics providing testing in a clean, safe and professional environment with the tests being carried out by highly trained healthcare professionals.
You can book your appointment by contacting us.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives in ways that we could never have imagined. Our social habits have been greatly affected and so have our travel ones. The travel industry has taken a massive hit millions of people worldwide cancelling their holiday and travel plans. Several months later and things are beginning to look slightly brighter! The skies are opening up and so are the countries, with people enjoying the pleasure of travelling again. There are however certain restrictions and measures that we need to adhere to before we go on our next exciting break!
Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of reliable, accessible testing to screen for the Coronavirus disease has become increasingly apparent and the travel industry is no exemption to this! Travel restrictions are constantly changing and many airlines and countries are now asking their passengers and visitors to get COVID19 PCR Tests to prove that they have had a negative COVID-19 test result in the 72 hours prior to their travel. This system is gaining massive popularity and countries and airlines alike will be requesting PCR testing. That is why we are now offering COVID PCR testing in Glasgow!
So… What is a COVID19 PCR Test?
PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction. This test is designed and used to directly detect the presence of the genetic materiel/antigens of the COVID-19 virus rather than the presence of the body’s immune response, or antibodies. This is only possible if the virus is present and someone is actively infected. The tests can tell whether or not someone has the virus very early on by detecting viral RNA (ribonucleic acid), which will be present in the body before antibodies form or symptoms of the disease are present. At the moment the majority of the current Covid-19 tests that all the reports are coming from are using the PCR test. PCR tests give us a good indication of who is infected and who is not.

Have you watched the Randox ‘how to use video’?
If you are not sure please talk to us on live chat. THE INSTORE SERVICE IS A 24 HR SERVICE AS WE HAVE PARTNERSHIPPED UP WITH A LAB BASED IN GLASGOW TO ANALYSE THE SWABS DAILY. WhatsApp us on 07507232948.
Who is the Test for?
The COVID PCR tests are for people of all ages who are planning on travelling to a foreign country. The test is not suitable for those who have COVID-19 like symptoms or for those who have had symptoms up to 28 days prior to the test – these people should follow all government guidance regarding self-isolation and testing. Most travellers are now required to have a certificate/document to prove to airlines and countries they are visiting that they do not have an active COVID-19 infection – therefore make sure to check if you need one!
As regulations might differ, depending on the destination or airline, please make sure that you check for the most up to date travel information. You can do this by speaking to your airline directly or by simply visiting the Foreign Office Website where more details and guidance can be found.
About the Randox PCR Swab Test…
We provide this test in-store with 24 hour* turnaround but the test is also suitable for home use. Using the kit in-store or at home uses the same procedure.
View the Randox COVID-19 Sample Collection Kit.
The sampling process is simple and takes just a few minutes. Each kit contains a swab and sample collection tube. PCR test results can be back within 12 – 36 hours in some circumstances.
The process:
— Holding the swab in your dominant hand, gently rub the swab over both tonsils and the back of the throat, taking care not to touch your tongue, teeth or gums.
— Remove the swab from your mouth and gently insert it into the nostril about 1 inch (2.5cm) or until some resistance is met.
— Rotate the swab 5 times against the nasal walls and repeat in the other nostril.
— Remove the swab from the nose and immediately place the swab into the collection tube, taking care not to touch any other surfaces.
— Your sample should be posted following the instructions provided.
Upon receipt of your test kit, it is essential you register your URN (Unique Reference Number) on the Randox Health website. Your test results will be emailed to you, using the email address provided during the registration process. The Randox Swab test is extremely accurate, therefore giving you peace of mind before you travel!
To discuss your COVID19 PCR Testing in Glasgow simply contact us at Reach Pharmacy by filling out the form below. We’ll get right back to you!
Contact us on
Call: 01412488595
WhatsApp: 07507232948.